Levoit LVAC-120 Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner Review

For big, nasty messes, there’s no replacement for a powerful vacuum, like a shop vac. But for everyday messes and maintenance, do you really want another bulky appliance? Standard home vacuums used to fill that niche. But they tend to take up a lot of space. Not too long ago, though, they were your best …

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Review of the Acum DC-901 Cordless Stick Vacuum

When you think of a cordless stick vacuum, you probably picture something chintzy, like an oversized dust buster. Sure, you can use them for cleaning up an easy mess. But you can’t use them for vacuuming your carpet, can you? This may have been true 20 or even 10 years ago. But with advances in …

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Amarey A980 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Review & Analysis

Until this year, upstart smart home manufacturer Amarey only had two robotic vacuums available on the market: the A800, and the beefier A900. Both of these vacuums got great reviews, and offered some of the best value in their respective price ranges. Still, it had been a while since we’d heard anything from Amarey, and …

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In-Depth Review of the Bagotte BG700 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuuming is one of those things that nobody likes to do, but that’s nonetheless a necessity of life. Like dusting, sweeping, and sealing your driveway, it takes time out of your busy schedule, and you get sweaty and sticky in the process. But what’s the alternative? Just let dust and dirt collect ad infinatum? Thankfully, …

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