First-Look Review of UNOBRUSH – The World’s Smartest Toothbrush

Compare the modern toothbrush to brushes used a few hundred years ago. You’ll notice the brushes we’re using today look pretty much the same. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. The mechanical hammer hasn’t seen many big improvements in recent history, either. Making a better toothbrush is difficult. How can you improve upon something so …

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In-Depth Review of the SZHSR Fingerprint Lock

The earliest generations of fingerprint locks were abysmal. Some could be fooled easily; others were simple to hack. Some even permitted unacceptable rates of false positives. While many of these problems still persist inside of the weaker fingerprint locks on the market, the industry on average has greatly improved over the past few years. Though …

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First-Look Review of Vector by Anki

Digital pets have come a long way. From humble beginnings as digital keychain pets, to the simplest two-motion robots, there’s always been something specially entertaining about digital life. But those kinds of robotics are actually deeply primitive compared to what’s possible today. Mechanical robotics is getting better, however, it’s developments in AI which really drive …

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