HORI TAC Pro Type M2 Programmable KeyPad and Mouse Controller (for PC, PS3 & PS4)

Console controllers have never compared to a good keyboard and mouse. It’s likely that PC controls will always outperform even the best handheld controllers in the world. That’s the reason why people have been trying to use keyboard/mice controllers on their gaming consoles for decades. You can find examples as far back as the original …

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Guide to the Best Sega Genesis Clone (with HDMI)

Back in August of 1989, when the Sega Genesis was released, its retail price was $189. Adjusted to inflation, a Genesis would cost about $380 if released today. But this isn’t 1989 anymore, and today, console clones can emulate the Genesis for between 5-10% of that price. Unfortunately, finding a great console clone is actually …

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Ultimate Guide to the Best NES & SNES Clone with HDMI

When it comes to emulating old games and consoles, you can divide people into two groups. First are the purists who believe their emulation should be a faithful recreation of the original. Purists are willing to take the bad with the good, often seeking to recreate every detail of an original experience. The second group …

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