Gioteck FL-300 Wireless Stereo Headset Review

Our games have exceedingly great quality audio. From orchestral soundtracks to in-game environment sounds they’ve become an incredible art form in this respect. But what about our headsets? They can be hard to find. We want to be able to appreciate the beauty of it all, but often find ourselves without a quality headset that …

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Nyko Type Pad Review

This console bearing generation has seen several brands make the leap from a solely PC focus to home console focus, most distinctly MMORPGs, for example Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn on PlayStation 4, and Neverwinter on Xbox One. There have been some tough nuts to crack in transitioning to consoles, however, with these games …

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Logitech G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel Review

Racing games are cutting edge. They’ve always pushed the boundaries of what’s possible in gaming, and chances are you’ve mistaken their graphics for the real thing. It’s gotten even better since then. Realism has caught on. Ever since huge hits like Need for Speed and Project Gotham Racing have come along, we’ve seen some breathtaking …

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