OMOTE Vacuum Food Sealer Review, Testing & Analysis

Almost as long as people have been around, we’ve come up with ways of preserving our food. Some of the oldest methods involved storing foods in boxes of salt, or submerging them in jars of honey. People in early civilizations also figured out that food lasts longer in a cold environment. After all, we’ve been …

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Neabot NoMo N2 Review – Robot Vacuum with Self-Emptying

One of the most important gifts technology has given us is time savings. That’s easy to forget when you’re staring at a phone screen, or playing video games. And it’s true, a lot of modern technology is geared towards entertainment. But even “entertainment” devices save us a lot of time. Think about your phone for …

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Honest Review of the SECURAM Touch Smart Deadbolt Lock

Now more than ever, it’s essential to secure the safety of your home. You never know who might be prowling about, or waiting to steal your things as soon as you’re gone. These are not new issues, though, and they don’t necessarily require a modern solution. Mechanical keys have been up to the task for …

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