Best Tempered Glass Screen Protector for Samsung Note 9

Modern smartphones are being constructed with increasingly tougher types of glass. But accidents happen, and people drop their phones every day. Even if you already have fairly impressive glass to begin with, like the extra sturdy build of the Samsung Note provides, then you’re still going to want another layer of protection. If or when …

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Best Privacy Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S9

The S9 is extremely well designed, but that doesn’t matter when your phone is about to smash into parking-lot asphalt. Even if your device survives the fall, a face-down trip to the ground can mar your screen with ugly scarring. It’s no wonder why the cell phone screen repair is a billion-dollar industry. Accidents happen, …

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weBoost Connect RV 65 Cell Signal Booster Review

Whether or not you’ve spent time in rural areas, almost everyone has their fair share of experiences with poor wireless connectivity. Most of those issues originate from your phone having difficulty accessing a nearby communication tower. Sometimes the interference is geographical, like being on the wrong side of a valley. Other times, there are simply …

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Kingston Data Traveler Bolt Duo Flash Drive Review

The Android versus iOS debate has raged on for years. No matter what side of the argument you stand on, there is one thing we all have to admit: Each platform has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest qualms users have with iOS devices is the lack of upgradeable storage. Building a phone …

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