First Look Review of the ASUS ZenWatch 3 (WI503Q)

Unveiled at this year’s popular trade show IFA, ASUS was looking to show off their latest smartwatch – the ZenWatch 3. After a somewhat disappointing ZenWatch 2, the ZenWatch 3 comes as a much-needed successor for ASUS to stake their claim in the market. The ZenWatch 2 was a passable watch at a good price, …

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Kingston MobileLite Wireless Pro & G3 Review

Recently featured at CES 2016, Kingston has been working hard on their latest release, the MobileLite Wireless Pro and the MobileLite Wireless G3. Designed to make your mobile life much easier, the MLW Pro and MLWG3 give you the ability to backup, share, manage, and play your videos and photos without the use of a …

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Goal Zero Flip 20 Recharger Review

Regardless of whether you prefer to do it in the summer or you’re more of a winter/mountain/camping kind of person, if you’ve been delaying a trip and it’s weighing on your mind for a while now, it might be time to just go for it! Most of us prefer to have some sort of device …

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Best 4G Cell Phone Signal Boosters 2016-2017

Cell phone coverage is often “hit or miss” with some residences. If your home or office are known “dead-zones” when it comes to a 4G cell phone signal, you know how difficult and frustrating it can often be to attempt to make a call when you need to. Poor cell service isn’t always something that’s …

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