Guide to the Best Faraday Fabric for EMF-Blocking

These days, electronics are all around us. For the most part, this is a good thing. What would modern life be without our smartphones, tablets, and computers? But these same devices also produce electromagnetic radiation, which is a concern for some people. For one thing, certain individuals are sensitive to radiation, and experience physical symptoms. …

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Best Ultraviolet Ozone Light Bulb (Lamp) for Sterilization

These days, sterilization and sanitation are on everybody’s mind. Given the current global situation, that’s understandable. But sterilization is about more than just COVID-19. In fact, it’s something we should all be more mindful about, even when things get back to normal. Bacteria and viruses are all around us, and we’re all at risk. Obviously, …

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Guide to the Best Blinking LED Stop Signs

Road safety is no joke. While traffic-related deaths have been steadily on the decline for decades, they’re still tragically common. This is particularly true for children. Despite decades of safety improvements, auto accidents remain the #2 cause of death for American children. Some of this can be chalked up to the fact that children are …

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