Nikon COOLPIX W100 Review

Cameras are becoming adaptable, they might as well be custom fit. You can get cameras that instantly print your photos, just like the classic Polaroid. You can get cameras that shoot in 4K video, and ones that fit right in your pocket. Most consumers have at least one camera on them, everywhere they go. But …

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Kodak Dock & Wi-Fi Photo Printer Review

Portable photo printers are all the rage these days, but what about those of us that want to print full size photos? The majority of portable photo printers use smaller than normal photo paper, with most of them no bigger than 2 inches on either side. We recently took a look at Kodak’s Mini Mobile …

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EZVIZ Mini360 Plus Home Security Camera Review

Whether you’re looking to beef up your home security system, keep tabs on the pets, or establish an easy digital line of communication between yourself and your home, a wireless surveillance camera is a great way to go. If you were trying to set up a home security camera five years ago, you would have …

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