DxO ONE Miniaturized Pro Quality Camera Review

Have you ever wanted to try out photography as a hobby? Chances are, at some point in time, you have seen pictures taken by amateurs or professionals using expensive SLR cameras and lenses and thought to yourself “I wish I could take pictures like that”. One major factor that often holds people back from getting …

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Panasonic Lumix G85 4K Mirrorless Camera Review

When it comes to high-end “prosumer” cameras, there is a hot debate between the mirrorless varieties and SLR models. Typically, SLR cameras tend to be considered the higher end options. Not only do they have a long history extending well into the days of film, but the high end manufacturers have been building out an …

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Nikon KeyMission 360 Review

Today, many of the major electronic tech companies such as HTC, Sony and Garmin have all released several versions of handheld action cameras. Most recently, Nikon, one of the most respected names in the high end camera industry, has released a line of action cams designed to compete with the best of the best. Given …

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Garmin VIRB Ultra 30 Review

Garmin has released a few handheld action cameras over the past few years, but most agree they have somewhat missed the mark. Many people think of action cams as synonymous with GoPros, so it’s not surprising that if a company’s camera doesn’t have features and specs that compete with the GoPro line of cameras, it …

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