Best AMD AM3+ Gaming Motherboard Reviews 2017-2018

If you’re trying to build a gaming computer on a budget, you may want to consider investing in an AMD processor and AM3+ Motherboard. Priced much less than any Intel based build, AMD has a variety of AM3+ Motherboards that are designed to deliver fast speeds, overclocking capabilities, and a wealth of features that are …

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Best DDR3 RAM Reviews 2017-2018

Nothing is more frustrating and cumbersome than a slow computer. We all know how difficult it can be to use an outdated or under-powered system to play your favorite games, get work done, or simply stream music or browse your favorite websites. Lag, latency, and buffering are all nuisances that can be avoided with the …

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Best z97 Gaming Motherboards

Everyone wants the fastest, most reliable, and best performing computing power available. Having a high-end motherboard is crucial if you want to play all the latest games and applications without lag or performance issues. Before we get into looking at three best z97 motherboards of 2016-2017, for the purposes of those who may just be …

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