Mad Catz TRITTON Katana HD Wireless Headset Review

The gaming world seems to be constantly changing, as players demand more realistic and immersive gameplay, they require evolved and precise sound carefully directed and engineered to provide the best audio experience possible. A major constraint for gamers as well as music and movie lovers, is the fact that your audio system may not be …

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iDeaUSA 4D Gaming Headset (iDeaGamer S408) Review

If you’re a fan of playing video games to their full potential, you likely know the importance of high quality audio and communication between your friends and allies. While speakers usually provide plenty of volume for a realistic listening experience, to fully immerse yourself into the game with total realism, you’re going to need to …

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SteelSeries Siberia 350 Gaming Headset Review

If you’re an experienced gamer or media aficionado of sorts, you likely understand the enormous impact that quality audio has on the immersion and enjoyment of video games. When it comes down to it, there’s a huge advantage to owning a powerful surround sound speaker system for your entertainment room, but when you’re not entertaining …

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Thrustmaster TFRP Flight Rudder Pedals

Whether you’re a huge fan of World of Warplanes, War Thunder, Rise of Flight, or any other popular simulator, you likely know that an enjoyable time goes hand and hand with a realistic experience. Although you can always simply use a mouse and keyboard, one of the best ways to improve realism is by including …

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