Kwikset Kevo (2nd Gen) Bluetooth Smart Lock Review

These days, it seems like everything we purchase has become “smart”. We’ve got smart TVs, smart appliances, and even smart toasters. Today, there’s another smart product on the market – the Bluetooth-enabled smart lock. In a lot of ways, a product like this makes sense. There are several problems we face in daily life that …

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Best WiFi (Smartphone Enabled) Video Doorbells 2016

How can a doorbell protect you home? Smart video doorbells offer new and exciting solutions to the age-old challenge of keeping it safe from crime. At one time, you could scare predators away just by pasting a security system sticker on your front door. However, as many homeowners realized, it didn’t prevent your home from …

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Novi 4-in-1 Home Security Review

Making a decision to either opt for a regular wired security system or the newer all-in-one home security kits (usually wireless) can be hard. It’s in your best interest to learn the differences so you’ll be in a position to make a good calculated decision and not get swayed by the shiniest and newest product. …

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Best Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat Reviews

Smart thermostats are becoming very popular in today’s world since they ensure a comfortable environment in just about any home. However, it’s important to understand this technology before using it so that you get the most benefit out of it. When you use a regular thermostat, you use the control panel to set the temperature …

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Minut Point, Heartbeat from Home Review

Home is where the heart is. Yet when no one’s there, we’re missing what’s going on and it changes the whole dynamics. There must be a smart way to have a pulse on our own homes. So far our solutions have been pretty elaborate. From expensive home camera units to a whole host of other …

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