First-Look Review of the MATRIX PowerWatch 2

Smartwatches aren’t tough to choose between, but they are slightly tougher than choosing an ordinary watch. Because you’re not only concerned with the aesthetic, the comfort of the band, and the simplicity of the buckle. You’re also looking at compatibility with your smartphone, and its broader set of features. But interestingly, the people who make …

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First-Look Review of UNOBRUSH – The World’s Smartest Toothbrush

Compare the modern toothbrush to brushes used a few hundred years ago. You’ll notice the brushes we’re using today look pretty much the same. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. The mechanical hammer hasn’t seen many big improvements in recent history, either. Making a better toothbrush is difficult. How can you improve upon something so …

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Best Portable Digital Personal Breathalyzer

You probably know breathalyzers as a tool used by law enforcement, but there’s actually a huge array of industries and applications for personal digital breathalyzers. Used correctly, a personal use breathalyzer can be a tool to ensure the safety of yourself and others. You might want to check a loved one for alcohol, or even …

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