GooDee K100 vs. Anker PowerWave Pad Wireless Charger – Review & Compare

The information revolution has changed our lives in ways we never thought possible. With a modern smartphone, you can find get directions, listen to audiobooks, and search for information. This has made today’s world more efficient, as well as more connected than ever before. That said, it’s also caused us to become reliant on our …

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Zynect Soilmote Wireless Soil Moisture Sensor Review

If you’re trying to minimize water waste while still maintaining healthy crops, good data is key. This means monitoring the soil moisture on an ongoing basis. For a backyard garden, you can generally do this in person just by checking the soil. But on any kind of large scale, manual testing isn’t practical. The same …

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Smartta SliderMini 2 Motorized Camera Slider Review

Motion is essential for creating a good video. After all, that’s what separates video from a still image. But motion is about more than just your subject moving. It also means moving the camera itself. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that the camera should constantly be in motion in every video. That would be nauseating. But …

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