In-Depth Review of the Air Choice HEPA Air Purifier

Over the past couple of decades, more and more people have become concerned about indoor air quality. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is the development of new and better technology. Outside of ordinary furnace filters, high quality indoor air filters haven’t been available for long. This has come at the …

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Aukey (PA-B5) OMNIA 100W PD Charger Review

In the past few years, smartphones and particularly laptops have started drawing more and more power. This means they need powerful batteries that can keep up with modern demands. And the more powerful the battery, the longer the charging time. Because of this, manufacturers have started utilizing PD charging technology. PD charging allows for much …

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Review of the Onson EV696 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

Let’s be honest. Vacuuming your home isn’t exactly an exciting activity. And buying a new vacuum is a necessity, not a pleasure. Buying a new game console or monitor is a truly exciting experience. You check the tracking information multiple times a day, waiting eagerly for the progress. When you order a new vacuum, odds …

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Best Satellite Messenger and Personal Locator Beacons

Navigational technology has come a long way. Ten years, the concept of having a digital map in your car was still novel. Today, we have the same technology in the palm of our hand. But GPS has always been a one-way street. It wasn’t until recently that technology has evolved to allow two-way communication for …

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