Ultimate Guide to the Best UV Smartphone Sanitizers for 2020-2021

With everything that’s going on in the world, people are taking a new interest in sanitation. Walk into the grocery store, and everyone is wiping down their carts with wipes before they use them. Given what’s going on, this is just common sense. But it’s easy to get comfortable with objects we’re familiar with. Electronics …

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These are the Best Nintendo Switch Arcade Sticks

For most people, the Nintendo Switch’s control scheme is part of the attraction. Indeed, it’s one of the Switch’s most innovative features. You can detach the controls and use them as a traditional console controller. Or you can mount them on the Switch itself and use it as a handheld gaming platform. This is just …

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Best Web-Managed, Smart Gigabit Ethernet Switch

When you’re setting up your small or medium sized business network, you’re going to need a few different pieces of hardware. One of these devices is either going to be a switch, a hub, or a router. Often, these devices are talked about is if they are interchangeable. It’s true that they all perform similar …

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