Best Under Desk Computer Case Mounts

6 Best Under Desk Computer Case Mounts [2023 Guide]

Having a powerful PC is a great experience. This is true for gamers and professionals alike. Gamers want a big PC that can hold all the highest quality components and run new games well. Professionals need something that can run all their programs flawlessly to maximize workflow. One issue that both experience is a lack …

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fix controller stick drift

How to Fix Controller Stick Drift (PS5, Switch & Xbox)

Stick drift is the uninvited guest at every gamer’s party. Controllers that wander aimlessly across the screen are enough to make even the most seasoned gamer grit their teeth. Whether it’s a PS5, Switch, or Xbox controller, no platform seems immune. Our handy guide will show you the way to victory over this digital adversary. …

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best laptop cooling pads

6 Best Laptop Cooling Pads [2023 Updated]

Laptops are one of the most convenient options out there for computing needs. Whether you’re a college student who needs one for class, a gamer who wants to play games on the go, or someone who needs to take work with them on the go, they’re a great solution. However, they do have one major …

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