Tronsmart T6 Plus 40W Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker Review

There are different Bluetooth speakers for many different uses and occasions. Then there are some that are for every occasion. With the number of them available on the market most speakers tend to focus on one or two differentiating factors that help them stand out. Each of those factors has to be compared to others …

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Tivoli Audio Home Music System Review

Connecting every source of audio in your home can be tricky. Not only is it sometimes technically challenging, it’s often difficult to do without having a huge impact on decor. Audio systems tend to be made with a dominating black chassis that commands attention in a room, and then have countless wires running out the …

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Treblab HD7 Small Premium Bluetooth Speaker Review

When you’re picking a portable Bluetooth speaker, you usually want to keep things small and portable. Because there are many advantages with running larger speakers. It almost goes without saying, but for a wireless speaker, there are advantages to staying small as well. So striking the right balance is really a matter of needs and …

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