Enkeeo S155 Portable Power Station Review

With the increasing popularity of mobile devices, and the increased availability of solar technology, portable power stations are becoming more common as well. Whether you’re thinking about day-to-day applications, or you’re thinking about emergency situations, there are plenty of options out there. When you’re outdoors, a power station means you don’t need to go without …

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Detailed Review of the Livescribe Aegir Smartpen

It might happen a hundred different ways. You were walking through the rain, and some water seeped through your jacket, ruining your notes. Maybe you’re tired and accidentally spill your coffee. Maybe you simply can’t find something you’d written down earlier. Whatever the circumstances, you’re pretty close to being out of luck. Unless you were …

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First-Look Review of the NILS Revolutionary Wearable Charging Cable

Portable devices are great. But they become far less portable when you’ve got to start carrying a bunch of cables in-tow. Sometimes, manufacturers will take the time to build-in necessary cables so you can draw them out of your devices. But sometimes that’s just not a practical solution. Until the day all of our devices …

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Nikon BLACK RANGEX 4K Laser Rangefinder Review

Distance shooting is a science. Successful shots are the collective achievement of the shooter correctly understanding a wide range of variables. And rangefinders give you the equipment to help objectively judge those conditions. Whether you’re shooting for fun or you’ve got an objective in mind, rangefinders make it easier. If you’re experienced at hunting with …

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