Guide to the Best Nintendo Switch Bluetooth Adapters

Nintendo Switch users have long been able to wear a USB headset or pair of speakers. When compared to speakers, they provide an immersive gaming experience for a fraction of the price. But that still involves a cable, which can lead to tangling. It can also limit your options. Many higher-quality USB headsets require a …

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Best RCM Jig for Nintendo Switch – How-To Guide

The Nintendo Switch is one of the most unique game consoles ever made. It functions as both a handheld and standard console, so you can take your games wherever you go. This type of innovation is nothing new for Nintendo. Before the Switch, the Wii was breaking all kinds of sales records with its motion-activated …

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Guide to the Best Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Wheels

The Nintendo Switch might just be the most innovative game console ever released. This might be a controversial statement, to say the least. After all, the Wii brought us motion-sensitive controls. To be fair, that led to over a hundred million Wii sales, a feat the Switch has yet to match. But motion-sensitive controlling was …

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