Best USB-Powered LED Christmas Lights for 2022

It’s that time of year again, Christmas is here and you know what that means. Decorating with string lights! It’s easy to get your hands on a set of Christmas lights at virtually any store. However, if you’re looking specifically for USB-powered options, your choices are very limited. USB-powered Christmas lights are a great option …

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Review: UWANT X100 Cordless Wet/Dry Vacuum Cleaner

When people hear the word “technology,” they typically picture flashy, exciting things like smartphones. This is only natural. Our minds jump to things that excite us, and a new smartphone is definitely exciting. Who doesn’t want a better camera, longer-lasting battery, or more powerful processor? The same goes for other bit name releases like game …

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Best LED Puck Lights w/ Wireless Remote

LED lighting is a versatile way to add a bit of flair to your home. When many people think of LED bulbs, they think of ordinary lighting. And yes, LEDs have rapidly been replacing older incandescent and CFL bulbs. But LEDs are good for a lot more than just your old ceiling fixture or floor …

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