Levoit Vista 200 Air Purifier Review – Small, Affordable, Effective

Air purification can be incredibly important to your health. Even for people who don’t necessarily suffer from problems with allergens, the advantages of healthy clean air can hardly be overstated. People who live in urban environments have been shown to literally age faster on a biological level in response to breathing pollution. And that can …

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Alfawise S70 Robotic Window Cleaner Review

It’s not hard to see the appeal of robots that clean-up for you. Until recently, that’s mostly meant little more than a washing machine, a dishwasher, and perhaps a Roomba. But it was really only a matter of time until someone decided they really needed to be able to automate window cleaning. After all, cleaning …

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In-Depth Review of the LEVOIT LV-H133 Air Purifier

Clean air and good health go hand-in-hand. But for a lot of people, access to clean air isn’t something that can be taken for granted. That may especially be true for people who live in urban environments, but is also true for people who have allergy issues, and people who work in environments around pollutants. …

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