Canon PowerShot SX720 HS Review

As an improvement over the popular SX710, the new Canon PowerShot SX720 HS is specifically designed to deliver stunning image quality with all of the important features that go hand in hand with travelling. We took some time to test it out, see what the new features were, and how they’ve improved upon their previous …

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Nucleus Anywhere Intercom – A New Approach to the Home Intercom

With all of the latest advancements in technology, homes are quickly being paired with new technology that integrates “smart” features into an otherwise everyday, normal living situation. One such is the Nucleus Smart Home Intercom. Its been specifically designed to make your life at home a bit easier by connecting rooms in your home with …

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Luma Home WiFi System – The Surround WiFi Router

One of the hardest tasks people are often faced with when they move into a new home is securing a consistently reliable internet connection. This is especially the case if you have more than a few bedrooms and additional square footage. Since Wi-Fi transmission caps out at a certain point, it can become weak as …

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