Plum Ube U1000 Smart Wi-Fi Dimmer

You’ve heard the phrase ‘best invention since the incandescent light bulb’. It’s a little wordy, but it’s a good standard by which to compare this new technology. This is a no holds barred discussion. By now you know how light switches work. They’re sitting all the way over on the wall or on a lamp …

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Notion Home Awareness Kit Review

Your home is your safe haven. But how safe can it possibly be for young kids with unlocked doors, or having you windows open on a rainy day? It’s probably dangerous to have your smoke alarm go off when you’re not home. We need to be aware of water leaks and over-exposure to carbon dioxide …

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Pavlok Motivational Bracelet Review

Inertia may be the most powerful force in existence. You may have heard the question, “What happens when two immovable forces collide?” The psychology of the Pavlok Motivational Bracelet is clear and proven – ideas are not changed by willpower but by other ideas. Here’s what we mean. It’s been known for years that wearing …

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Review of the KUNA Integrated Smart Home Security Light

Average security measures do not add up. We’ve got to cover all of our angles in a sensible yet effective manner which allows us the greatest ease. Definitely no malfunctions or hidden costs. We’ll assess the KUNA Integrated Smart Home Security Light in all of these areas to get a true reading on how valuable …

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NEEO: The Thinking Remote For Your Smart Home Review

Technology is meant to make our lives better. The added convenience of watching all of your movies and TV shows on one device isn’t really intuitive when we have three remotes for the entertainment system, and a dozen others all in one living room. We’ve come too far for such clutter. Remember changing remote batteries? …

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