In-Depth Review of the Yeedi K600 Robot Vacuum

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Quick Analysis


Overall Design


Battery Life


Vacuum Performance


Extra Features



  • Powerful suction.
  • Multiple cleaning modes.
  • Large dust bin.
  • Quiet operation.
  • Long-lasting battery.


  • No WiFi connectivity or app.
  • No virtual boundaries.

When it comes to household tasks, some are more enjoyable than others. Painting your living room, for example, might not be fun. But you get a sense of accomplishment, and the rewards are clearly visible. Your friends will notice, and they’ll mention it. Plunging a clogged toilet, meanwhile, isn’t attractive, but it needs to be done. And as yet, nobody’s invented an automatic toilet plunging machine to help us avoid the task. Vacuuming falls into a similar category. It’s not smelly, but it’s still not exciting. Your friends aren’t going to come over and say “I see you vacuumed today!”.

Thankfully, unlike toilet plunging, we’ve managed to automate the task of vacuuming. Since iRobot released the original Roomba in 2002, many robotic vacuums have been released. Today, we’ll be reviewing one of the latest, the Yeedi K600 Robot Vacuum. It’s built much the same way as other robot vacuums, but it has its own unique quirks and features. We’ll take a close look at the build quality, the performance of the vacuum, and how it’s used. We’ll tell you what we like, what we don’t like, and where the K600 stands out. Let’s dig in!


Overall Design

The Yeedi K600 is a compact robot vacuum that’s almost circular. We say “almost” because it’s 13 inches in one dimension and only 12.8 in the other. This is due to the small bumper on the front of the vacuum. For all intents and purposes, though, it’s round. It’s 3.1 inches tall, which is somewhat on the tall side for a robot vacuum. Still, it’s small enough to fit under most household furniture. The total weight is 6.72 pounds, which is a bit beefy. As we’ll see, though, the weight is justified. It comes down to the overall quality of the construction.


The top of the vacuum is constructed from anti-scratch tempered glass. Kicks, bangs, and drops aren’t liable to damage it, and it will be immune to damage from pets. To be fair, tempered glass isn’t bulletproof; if you drop a brick on it, it’s going to crack. But it’s still a significant upgrade over the typical robot vacuum’s flimsy ABS plastic top. A small activation button protrudes through the glass, allowing for easy operation. There’s also a Yeedi logo that lights up when your vacuum is in operation.

The sides themselves are plastic, but they’re thick and chunky and capable of taking a beating. Towards the back, you’ll find a small power switch that can be used to prevent the K600 from drawing vampire power. This is located in a small recess, where you’ll also find the contacts for the battery charger. A pair of dual side brushes protrude from the front edges, sweeping and gathering dirt underneath. They won’t do much for you when the vacuum is running on carpet. However, they make the K600 far more efficient when it’s operating on a wood or tile floor.


Underneath, there’s a nylon and rubber roller brush that performs the bulk of the work. It’s somewhat unique, with a V shape that points towards the front of the vacuum. The rubber ribs drag across hard floors to catch all the dirt. And when the vacuum runs across a carpet, the ribs thump the weave, kicking up dust. This makes it easier for the K600 to suck up the dust. Between the ribs, the standard nylon brushes work like a traditional sweeper brush. And thanks to the V-shaped design, excess dirt gets pushed off to the side instead of clogging the vacuum. This means you’ll perform less maintenance than you’d otherwise need to.


The dust bin has a large, 600ml capacity. Unless you’re cleaning up an enormous mess, this will be more than enough. You won’t have to stop and empty the dust bin in the middle of vacuuming. If you don’t need this much capacity, take a gander at the Amarey A980. It has a smaller dust bin, but the cleaning pattern is smarter and more efficient.

In addition to the vacuum itself, the K600 kit comes with a few extras. To begin with, the charging dock measures about 6 inches in height, and is designed to sit against your wall. The outer edge has a curved design, which conforms to the side of your vacuum. There’s a detachable AC power adapter that runs up to your wall outlet. If you’d rather not use the automatic charging function, you can simply plug the adapter into the vacuum. We’re not sure why you’d want to do that, but it’s available as an option. You also receive a multi-function cleaning tool, for keeping the roller brush and dust bin clean. There are also four extra side brushes and an extra filter included in the package.


Along with the vacuum, there’s also a remote control. This allows you to control all of the vacuum’s various functions. You can start and stop cleaning, send the vacuum home, and switch between modes. We’ll talk about those cleaning modes more in a second. Yeedi guarantees the K600 Robot Vacuum with a 12-month warranty. This is a fairly standard warranty length for a device of this kind.

Vacuum Performance

The K600 utilizes an advanced brushless motor. This design is much quieter than an equivalent design from a traditional brushed motor. The total volume is only 55dB at top power, or about the same as a typical microwave. This is a great feature if you have pets. The less noise your vacuum makes, the less likely it is to scare your critters. A brushless motor also requires less maintenance, since you won’t need to replace worn brushes.


The total vacuum power is about 14KPa, about the same as a small upright vac. As vacuums go, this isn’t terribly impressive. However, it’s quite good for a small robot vacuum. It’s sufficient to clean up rice, rock salt, pebbles, and other debris that gets dropped or tracked into your home. All in all, the K600 wins a clean sweep when it comes to both strength and sound.

The K600 has a triple-filter system that’s significantly more powerful than your average vacuum filter. It captures 99 percent of dust mites, a significant source of allergies and irritation in your home. Keep in mind, though, that this is not a HEPA vacuum. A true HEPA filter will collect 99.97 percent of particles. This might seem like a nit-picky distinction, but that extra 0.97 percent includes smaller pollen and mold spores. A 99 percent efficient filter is going to let most of those tinier particles slip right through.


One thing that disappointed us is that the K600 runs in a random pattern. This is how older robot vacuum works, but technology has come a long way since then. Most modern robot vacuums will run in an orderly pattern, and some even map your home. As a result, the K600 will sometimes spend a lot of time cleaning in one area while missing others. If you run it every day, your entire floor will still get cleaned regularly. It’s just not quite as efficient. If this feature is important to you, check out our review of the Dser RoboGeek 21T. It’s not quite as powerful as the K600, but it creates a virtual map of your home for higher efficiency.


Setup and Everyday Use

The K600 has 3 different cleaning modes. The first is auto mode, where it runs in a random pattern, which is the default mode. It will continue zooming around randomly until you tell it to go home or the battery gets low. If you double click the auto button, the K600 will go into “turbo mode”, which doubles the suction power. This is not necessary for everyday cleaning, but it helps with heavy messes and deep pile carpets.

There are 2 additional modes: spot mode and edge mode. In spot mode, the K600 will run in a small area to clean up a specific mess such as a spill. To use this mode, you’ll need to carry the K600 to the spot, set it down, and activate spot mode. In edge mode, the vacuum will hug tight to walls and furniture. This is a great way to clean areas that get little attention from everyday random cleaning.


Unfortunately, the K600 does not come with any WiFi connectivity or app. As a result, there’s no way to schedule regular cleanings. You have to start cleaning manually, using the remote or the button on the vacuum. There also aren’t any lasers or magnetic barriers to create cleaning zones. In other words, unless there’s a physical barrier in the way, your vacuum will clean the entire floor. This is disappointing, since even most “dumb” robot vacuums these days support magnetic barriers. That said, the K600 does have built-in sensors to prevent damage from bumps and falls.

If you prefer a smarter vacuum, consider the Amarey A900. It comes with an app for scheduling and creating zones, but it’s not as powerful as the K600.


All of that aside, the K600 features a powerful battery that provides 110 minutes of runtime. This is enough to clean a large floor every day. When the vacuum battery gets low, it will automatically return to the charging station and top off. Alternatively, you can send it back manually by using the remote control. A dead battery will charge fully in about 4 hours.

Final Verdict

At the end of the day, the Yeedi K600 is a powerful, but flawed, vacuum. On the plus side, it has a strong, efficient motor that also runs quietly. It also has a generously-sized dust bin. However, the lack of any boundary-setting ability is nearly crippling. The lack of an app is disappointing, to be sure. But there are plenty of good robot vacuums that make do with magnetic or laser boundaries. We’ve reviewed several of them. For a small apartment, the K600 might be a good choice. For any larger space, you’re going to want a different robot vacuum.

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